HYE semua ..aper khabar? Hrp2 korg xder masalah dgn kulit korg..bersahabat larh dgn mereka yer..
Saye ader masalah kulit..yg agak banyak..mcm..acne , whitehead,blackhead,enlarged pores..tpi alhamdulillah..saye xder masalah dark circle ( kwn2 saye ckp larh )..
So skrg untuk mengembalikan kesihatan kulit saye tersebut..saye daa beli beberapa product..harinie kite cerita pasal product nie dlu ..
A clay treatment mask for oily and pore-clogged skin.
Natural clay & Pore Shrinking absorbs and removes excess oils and impurities that can block pores and cause blackheads.
Other ingredients such as Xylitol helps to tighten pores by cooling skin temperature.
Skin looks clear and pores are visibly reduced.
Saye baru gune i’m not gonna give any comment bout this mask..;)
(btw nmpak pores tue jadi kecil ckit.,)
so aper itu pores ??
kenape perlu ader?
kenape perlu secrete minyak? eee muke berminyak...
kalo cuci muke byk2 kali so xder r minyak kan??
boleh hiilang x?
Pores are little openings of the hair follicle onto the surface of the skin that provide a way for the oil glands to lubricate ad protect the surface of ur skn
Actually Pores are essential to your skin’s health by providing oil to keep skin soft and hydrated. n..pleaz..jgn cuci muke byk2 kali..utk hlngkn minyak tue..coz nnti skin akan will cause excessive production of keep our skin moisturize..
Pores are more prominent when they are dilated, infected, or clogged with oil, making them appear larger than they really are.
While it isn’t possible to permanently “shrink” large pores, there are a number of ways to make them less noticeable.;(
so kena amek larh langkah2 awal..utk mengelakkan..pores tue makin membesar..
- Genetics
- Sun damage
- Hormonal changes
- Acne
- Blackheads
- Skin dehydration
- Trapped dirt, oil, dead skin cells
- Improper cleansing
- Excessive oil production
- Overuse of makeup
- Improper diet
- Smoking
- Puberty
Dgn bantuan dpt larh kumpul maklumat di atas..
Actually bgi saye..semua ini berlaku kerana skin to make our skin more moisturize ..oil glands will secrete more than usually..then the overproduction of sebum will clogged the masalah laen akan timbul
N jgn luper untuk membersihkan wajah,.jgn bagi kotoran2 melekat ..kalo mlm2 tue ..cuci larh muke dulu yer..
then used toner..untuk mengecilkan pores..
Urmm,,,scrub muke tue,.utk menanggalkan cell2 kulit mati..jgn bagi tersumbat pores tue.
pakai larh mask twice per week..
mlm2 nk tidur tue. pakai larh cream malam..
Lepas bace entri nie balik..tips2 kt atas tue..macam ..tips2 untuk kulit yg shat jer..bukan specifik utk pores jer..paper pown saye bagi tips jgk..peringatan utk kamu dan saye juge..
So marilah kite..bersame2 menuju ke arah kulit yg bersih bak porselin
Life's not a movie,
so don't wait around for someone else to write you a happy ending.
p/s:belilah majalah intrend mac 2011
ader tips menarik ..
panduan kulit bersih bak porselin;)
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